The video is embedded below, along with information on its views, likes, the channel it belongs to, and its length. The video showcases the process of searing venison backstrap steaks and preparing side dishes. The satisfaction of cooking one’s own wild game is unparalleled, especially when it turns out to be delectable. The video falls under the People & Blogs category and has garnered 9298 views with 82 likes and 13 comments so far.
9298 views 82 likes
Channel: Schwind Outdoors
The video showcases the process of searing venison backstrap steaks and preparing side dishes. The satisfaction of cooking one’s own wild game is unparalleled, especially when it turns out to be delectable.
#cookingwildgame #venisonbackstrap #searedbackstrap
Video length: 6:58
Category: People & Blogs
This post was originally published on WPHorde Test2 Site